![<php echo $logo['alt'];?>](https://www.pgrfcstrollers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Strollers-Badge-150x150.png)

Can you help
Strollers Noticeboard
There’s heaps of stuff on this website, but there’s a lot missing – and we need your help

Tour Results?
You’ll notice that there aren’t any match scores on the…

Tour Results?
You’ll notice that there aren’t any match scores on the ‘tours’ sections – and that’s because we haven’t got any! Though we’re certain that we won every game on foreign soil, we’ve got nagging suspicions that we’re kidding ourselves – so out with your old diaries and tell us who we played and what the scores were!!
Can you help with the problem?
Please send us your information on the subject.

1987 Cardiff ‘away game’
Off we went to Cardiff – presumably to play Old…

1987 Cardiff ‘away game’
Off we went to Cardiff – presumably to play Old Hawardians – but we’ve no programme, no tour party, no photos, no nothing!! Please help!!
Can you help with the problem?
Please send us your information on the subject.

Help to find the 1998 Tour and Tourists?
1998 saw a tour to Antwerp, and a programme was…

Help to find the 1998 Tour and Tourists?
1998 saw a tour to Antwerp, and a programme was duly produced. However, unusually the programme hasn’t got a list of tourists in it, and we don’t seem to have any photos. So – did it actually go ahead and if so, who went and are there photos to prove it?
Can you help with the problem?
Please send us your information on the subject.
Please contact
John Heritage john.heritage@ymail.com or
Gregg Butler gregg.butler@btinternet.com
for any other enquires.