![<php echo $logo['alt'];?>](https://www.pgrfcstrollers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Strollers-Badge-150x150.png)

Juke Box
The Strollers from Lancashire
We’re the Strollers from Lancashire
Grasshoppers Strollers from Lancashire
Our trusty charabanc brought us here, Full of beer
Matching sweaters and handkerchief hats
Don’t we look a load of prats
Give us pints and we’ll sup ‘em, give us women we’ll tup
The Strollers from Lancashire [‘em
Pigeon droppings on our flat caps
We feed our ferrets on bacon baps
Such a respectable set of chaps, Have no fear
Men of Belgium stout and true
We think we’ll be too clever for you
Cos you’ll all be half pissed on gallons of Trappist
Not like us from Lancashire
We’re the Strollers from Lancashire
Grasshoppers Strollers from Lancashire
From ‘town of Preston we love so dear, Oh, so dear
We go touring in parts so far
You can’t even see ‘em from the roof of our bar
We’re travelling and playing and pints of beer slaying
The Strollers from Lancashire
Highly honoured to meet you all (bow)
Fellow pursuers of ovoid ball
You will find that in ruck and maul, We’ve no peer
After when the match is done
(and of course the Strollers won)
Us boots we’ll hang up and some stuff we will sup
Men of Belgium and Lancashire